Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Experiences

Hi everyone! In a few short weeks (17 days, to be exact!) I will be on my way to Copenhagen, Denmark to study abroad for the semester! I never expected to travel abroad, but I am looking forward to spending the rest of my junior year in a totally new place with new people and trying new things. My mom, who is extremely tech-savvy suggested that I create a blog to document my experiences studying, living, and traveling in a new country and throughout Europe. This is my first attempt at blogging, so we'll see how it goes and I'll try to remember to write more than once a month. But for now, I will be enjoying my last few weeks at home with family and friends, so I probably will not update this until my departure nears.

By the way, for those of you who are a bit confused as to the title of this my study abroad meeting, we were asked to share a fun fact about Denmark. I decided I would volunteer first, but quickly realized I knew virtually nothing about the country. So, I replied that they "spoke Dutch."Apparently, they do not.  (who knew!?)  My program coordinator advised me to do a little reading up on the culture before I leave. I guess I'll be investing in a travel book as well before I head over! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Christine, we are looking forward to reading all about your adventures in Denmark and Europe. Please keep us posted on all of your activities.
    Love, Mom.
